
The various commands for creating and managing commands

%embed Aliases: embeds The main command, also shows a list of server embeds when run.

%embed list Shows list of server embeds.

%embed create <embed name> Examples: %embed create sally Aliases: new, add Creates a new embed with the given name.

%embed delete <embed name> Example: %embed delete sally Aliases: del, delete Deletes the embed with the given name.

%embed color <embed name> <color> Example: %embed color sally bbaaee Changes the color of the embed.

%embed post [channel] Example: %embed post sally #sally-is-cute Aliases: send Posts the embed in the desired channel, or the current channel if none is specified.

%embed description <embed name> <description> Example: %embed description sally Sally is a cute chocolate lab! Changes the description of the embed. Use "remove" to remove the description.

%embed title <embed name> <title> Example: %embed title sally Sally is cute! Changes the title of the embed. Use "remove" to remove the title.

%embed timestamp <embed name> <timestamp or yes/no> Examples: %embed timestamp sally 1 %embed timestamp sally yes Aliases: time, date Adds a timestamp for the provided date if a numerical timestamp is provided. Adds a timestamp for the time the embed is posted if yes is provided. Disables the timestamp if no is provided.

%embed image <embed name> <image link> Example: %embed image sally Adds an image to the embed, the image link must end in .png, .jpg, or .gif.

%embed thumbnail <embed name> <thumbnail link> Example: %embed thumbnail sally Aliases: thumb Adds an thumbnail to the embed, the image link must end in .png, .jpg, or .gif.

%embed footertext <embed name> <text> Example: %embed footertext sally UwU Sally! Aliases: ft Adds a footer with the provided text. Use "remove" to remove the footer.

%embed footerimage <embed name> <icon link> Example: %embed footerimage sally Aliases: fi Adds a footer with the provided icon link, link must end in .png, .jpg, or .gif. Use "remove" to remove the footer image. Note: footer text must be present to add a footer icon, make sure you add text first!

%embed authorname <embed name> <text> Example: %embed authorname sally Sally is here! Aliases: authortext, an, at Adds a author with the provided text. Use "remove" to remove the author.

%embed authorimage <embed name> <image link> Example: %embed authorimage sally Aliases: ai Adds a author with the provided icon link, link must end in .png, .jpg, or .gif. Use "remove" to remove the author icon. Note: author text must be present to add a author icon, make sure you add text first!

%embed authorurl <embed name> <url> Examples: %embed authorurl sally Aliases: aurl Adds a author url with the provided link. Use "remove" to remove the author url. Note: author text must be present to add a author url, make sure you add text first!

%embed addfield <embed name> <field name> ; <field value> [; inline(yes/no)] Examples: %embed addfield sally Sally ; Cute chocolate lab ; yes %embed addfield sally How old is Sally? ; 3 ; no %embed addfield sally Sally is a ; chunky monkey Aliases: createfield, newfield, af Creates a new field in the embed with the given name and value, and inline status if it is provided.

%embed removefield <embed name> <field name> Example: %embed removefield sally Sally Aliases: delfield, deletefield rf, df Removes a field with the given name from the embed.

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